Welcome to Synergy Health Management LLC.

Health is a LARGE word. It embraces not the body only, but the mind and spirit as well;
And not today’s pain or pleasure alone, but the whole being and outlook of a man or woman.
That’s a very powerful quote, isn’t it?
Usually, when one part of us is off, our whole outlook starts to get a little bit dimmer. That’s because every part of us – our body, mind, and spirit – work together to make us a whole, healthy, functioning being.
That cooperative effort between multiple components has a name. It’s called:
At Synergy Health Mgmt, LLC, we partner with individuals and businesses who know that something is off in one area or another and are ready to work together and fix it.
Most people are aware when their health or wellness is off balance and know exactly what they need to do to realign themselves, yet they experience a gap between that knowledge and taking action. That’s where Synergy Health Mgmt, LLC, comes in!

Hello, I’m Patrina!
I am the owner and coach of Synergy Health Mgmt, LLC, and I am here to work with you to get all the pieces of your being working together again! I help my clients bridge that intimidating gap between knowledge and action by being a qualified accountability partner.
I not only have the formal education to teach you how to succeed in your health journey but I also have the compassion to understand your struggles because I’ve walked that road, too.
My formal training includes CHC, CHHP, and Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach. . . . but what does my formal training mean for you?
Qualified answers to questions like these:
- Can I be healthy and happy at the same time?
- Why is it so hard to get healthy?
- How can I enjoy getting healthy?
- Is there a wellness coach that embraces my body, mind, and spirit?

The Synergy Health Mgmt, LLC, blog is full of recipes, exercises, and motivation to keep you on track for reaching your personal health and wellness goals! READ THE BLOG
For one-on-one guidance and accountability, head over to the Synergy Health Mgmt, LLC, website! CLICK HERE
Or send an email to: info@synergyhealthmgmt.com
What can you do to start moving towards your health and wellness goals?
- Evaluate your health and wellness goals and identify the improvements that mean the most to you.
- Be realistic with how much effort you will be able to put towards your journey.
- Schedule a one-on-one consulting call! CLICK HERE
Feel a little nervous about contacting me to discuss a plan for your wellness goals?
Well, don’t be! I’m an everyday person and I’ve been where you are, not knowing what I need to do to become the best version of myself, and trying every fad diet or exercise that the world threw at me. But once I paid attention to what my body was telling me and made the effort to give it what it needed, I quickly started to make progress.
Today, I am a Fabulous Granny of 4 and I still take steps every day to improve my health and wellness. I love to take care of my body by cooking healthy meals at home and staying physically active with kickboxing and long walks. I take care of my mind by reading various books that help me stay in a growth mindset.
I’m pretty typical but I choose to be fabulously typical!

Interested in learning more about Synergy Health Management? Sign up for our newsletter here or sign up to schedule a call with Patrina here.